ERR(512): User Warning: Query-ul nu a putut fi executat: ' SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM fes_c_jante WHERE data < 1739968930 AND stoc>0 AND =(SELECT id FROM fes_f_jante_ WHERE nume='mazda-hyundai-kia')
AND =(SELECT id FROM fes_f_jante_ WHERE nume='4--40')
ORDER BY pret ASC LIMIT 0, 15'! MYSQL_ERROR: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '=(SELECT id FROM fes_f_jante_ WHERE nume='mazda-hyundai-kia')
AND =(SELECT' at line 1
Jante mazda 4
ASTRAL TIRES Suntem dealeri autorizati, comercializam doar anvelope NOI. Probabil cele mai mici preturi la Anvelope Vara, Iarna, All Season si Jante. Preturi pentru revanzatori, flote, etc